March 2006 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed Mar 1 10:09:09 CEST 2006
Ending: Fri Mar 31 21:45:45 CEST 2006
Messages: 1044
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: tt_content: No image files larger than 1 MByte possible
Franz Holzinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix some broken media relations
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: overriding field rendering in TCEforms byuser func
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Making the update wizard button-based
Ingmar Schlecht
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #1635: Add page TSconfig via user TSconfig
Sebastian Kurfuerst
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: feature #1520 patch
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: t3lib_stdGraphic and missing font
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] Fwd: [Alexandria-svnbeta] Notice of Subversion beta completion
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: feature #2743
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix negative age in FE
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] Feature request #2695
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] TER and/or EM are completely broken...
Dmitry Dulepov
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: t3lib_stdGraphic and missing font
René Fritz
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: language selector in alt_doc
René Fritz
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: language rendering in TCEforms
René Fritz
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: MM_foreign_select
René Fritz
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Advanced BE search form
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Extend TypoScript values
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug 1153: tslib_cObj::imageLinkWrap not passing information if image.imageLinkWrap.JSwindow.altUrl set
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #1391: Typo3 can't display a single "0" in a table cell
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Various improvements to t3lib_div::getURL
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #2347: Plain timestamps in "Web" > "List"?
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Fix bugtracker issue 1736
Stanislas Rolland
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #1475: RECORDS cObject does not use stdWrap
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Fix bugtracker issue 1736
Stanislas Rolland
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: "type" fields for flexforms
Dmitry Dulepov
- [TYPO3-core] USER_CINT again
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] USER_CINT again
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: multi-multi-domain cookies
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RTE docs
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] copyright still 2005
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] replaceString and other changes
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix some broken media relations
Sebastian Kurfuerst
- [TYPO3-core] Poll included - Better division of BE bugs in mantis
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] copyright still 2005
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] The way to 4.0rc1...
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Removing Direct Mail from core
Stanislas Rolland
- [TYPO3-core] 0001822: There is no API to list tables in theWeb->Page module
Franz Holzinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: feature #2675
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: feature #1520 patch
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder for #708, #2675, #608, #2743
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Indexed Search template fixes
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Flexform ranges
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] kickstarter updated: llXML support
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] Principle: Always adding parameters in the _end_ of functions parameter list!
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Support regular expressions in t3lib_matchCondition
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Little 1-liner
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: feature #2675
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: bug #608 / Typolink / Mount page / Domains
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] rtehtmlarea/res in the CVS
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 331: Support IPv6 addresses
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: "type" field for flexforms
Dmitry Dulepov
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: feature #2675
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: issue #2753
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] Hardcoded linebreak after each radio element
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Post-fixes for cron_cssstyledimgtext integration
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] EM warning
René Fritz
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: MM_foreign_select
René Fritz
- [TYPO3-core] problem with caching still exists in current CVS
Franz Holzinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Set default values to externalize CSS and JS
Ingmar Schlecht
- [TYPO3-core] Please check: 4.0rc1
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Extend TypoScript values
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: t3lib_refindex
René Fritz
- [TYPO3-core] RC1pre1 - Feedback #1
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RC1pre1 - Feedback #2
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] TYPO3 Fatal Error: Extension key "table" was NOT loaded! (t3lib_extMgm::extPath)
Franz Holzinger
- [TYPO3-core] Charset-issue?
Peter Niederlag
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Change setDBinit in config_default from array to string, enable textareas in Install Tool
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Dmitry Dulepov
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Robert Lemke
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: #2743, #608, Subversion
Robert Lemke
- [TYPO3-core] Urgent: Changing the logo to the new one.
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Please give us back colored links in the install tool.
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] Bugfix #2396
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] Reminder: make db_list.php usable for backend modules
Franz Holzinger
- [TYPO3-core] Offline today
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: stylesheet.css cleanup + small usability change
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] For Rene: Bug in browse_links.php
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] TYPO3_4-0-0rc1 tagged in CVS
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Sourceforge...
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] FYI: Updated logos
Sebastian Kurfuerst
- [TYPO3-core] [TYPO3-dev] Announcing TYPO3 4.0 Release Candidate 1
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: GIFBUILDER transparency
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Templavoila + Core fixes
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Templavoila feature
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix EM2 issues
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: fix bug #2226
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix for #2341: add headers for table CE (accessibility)
Sebastian Kurfuerst
- [TYPO3-core] [TYPO3-bugs] Bugtracker & 4.0
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Usage of mb_* functions in the core (especially in rtehtmlarea)
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Fix bugtracker issue 2860
Stanislas Rolland
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix #2767: wrong wraps for sitemap/menu elements in accessibility mode
Sebastian Kurfuerst
- [TYPO3-core] Extension tsconfig_help in 4.0?
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] The XML tags of FlexForm data
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: is_array and foreach
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] Problems with Cache and Conditions
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] Quickstart extension in TYPO3 4.0
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: MM_foreign_select
René Fritz
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: multi-multi-domain cookies
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: US-Flag icon
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: 0002901: API needed to write HTML tags into the FE header tags directly
Franz Holzinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: bug #2590
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] indexed search and tbl_tt_content.php
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] menut-type sitemap: a gremlin?
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] bug #2918
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RC3?
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Interesting...
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: fix bug #2722 and #2837
Franz Holzinger
- [TYPO3-core] EM: Status about language pack download?
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: bug #608 / Typolink / Mount page / Domains
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: feature #2883
Wolfgang Klinger
- [TYPO3-core] return value of t3lib_div::resolveSheetDefInDS()
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Removing alternate rtehtmlarea skins from CVS
Stanislas Rolland
- [TYPO3-core] BE languages "my" and "sr"
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Stylesheet changes #1: Admin menu title
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Fix bug #1932: Can't limit content cols for Page>QuickEdit
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Fix bug #2596: While transfering TSconfig-Code from "TSconfig QuickReference" to textarea an "=undefined" value joins the party
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix flagBitMask default value in indexed_search
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Bug #2754: Proposal for "options.shortcutGroups" - Support multilanguagelabels
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: More stylesheet fixes
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] JavaDoc updates
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] IMPORTANT: Changes in CVS overwritten
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Fix bug #2415: Navigation "Icons in top frame" wrong rendering
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] NEWS.txt
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Announce: CVS Updates to JavaDoc comments and function indexes
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Hide warning when graphicsmagick is used
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Correctness of copyright notes
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Fixed label of 'author_email'
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Bug #2949
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] bug #2918
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Fixed broken icons in Tools>User Admin
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Fix bugtracker issue 2958: t3lib_htmlmail::getMimeType isn't working with name based virtual hosts
Stanislas Rolland
- [TYPO3-core] FE-editing bugs
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #1390: Ereg error
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #2666: Preview from searchresult shows rootpage only
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #2968: Hidden fields missing in search form
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Debug output when impexp misses an extension
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Change marker detection in indexer class
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Fwd: Bugfix für css-styled IMGTEXT
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Fwd: Bugfix für css-styled IMGTEXT
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] selecting unavailable languages
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] extension "version"
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Bug in CVS ?
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #388: No subtitle field in some page types
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #177: Indexed Search cuts the first letter of domain name in searchresult
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] FYI: ADOdb update in CVS
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] FE-editing bug fixed
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] another FE editing issue
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: core speedup
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: fix for bug #2380, t3lib_sqlparser doesn't handle LEFT OUTER JOIN
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix show_item.php
Bernhard Kraft
- [TYPO3-core] FYI: DBAL sysext committed
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] FYI: Bug fixed: "NOT NULL" removed from SQL gives error
Ingmar Schlecht
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: fix for bug #359 (class name detection in EM)
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] CVS offline (again)
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: fix for bug #2974, dependency check on uninstall
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: fix for bug #582, EM doesn't log ext removal/install
Karsten Dambekalns
- [TYPO3-core] small correction in TSRef-Documentation: TEMPLATE.relPathPrefix
Peter Niederlag
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #2956: table-less XHTML 1.1-ready template
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] FYI: One more CSS fix
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: fix bug #999
Christian Jul Jensen
- [TYPO3-core] Partial fix to bugtracker 1303: if i use "config.locale_all = tr_TR", links in FE are broken
Stanislas Rolland
- [TYPO3-core] FYI: 4.0rc2
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] [TYPO3-dev] Announcing TYPO3 4.0 Release Candidate 2
Ingmar Schlecht
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Support for multiple tables with columns-only in alt_doc.php (TCEforms) Bug 3001
Christian Jul Jensen
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: fix bug #3022: "c" prefixed to local anchors (<a href="#...">)
Ingmar Schlecht
- [TYPO3-core] Bugs to take a look at
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] OT: Question about indexed search behaviour
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Bug for Kasper in sys_refindex table
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] change compatVersion=3.9.0 -> 4.0 in sysext/css_styled_content
Peter Niederlag
- [TYPO3-core] Bug #2994 and the update wizard
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix for undo/history - single-click undo
Sebastian Kurfuerst
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fixes to css based imgtext
Ingmar Schlecht
- [TYPO3-core] Core Development wiki page
Ingmar Schlecht
- [TYPO3-core] "pageCacheToExternalFiles" enabled by default!
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] image position names
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] Updated to RC2 story...
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] Prioritizing open bugs
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Bug #2994 and the update wizard
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] CVS down?, please confirm!
Kasper Skårhøj
- [TYPO3-core] language "Bahasa Malaysia"
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] image position names
Martin Kutschker
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Implement localPath feature for crawler indexing
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #3065: wrap2.splitChar and wrap3.splitChar are ignored
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] RFC: Change minor issue in setup module
Michael Stucki
- [TYPO3-core] Remaining steps to final - RC3 on Sunday
Ingmar Schlecht
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 21:45:45 CEST 2006
Archived on: Mon Nov 27 23:13:13 CEST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).