[TYPO3-core] Problems with Cache and Conditions

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Thu Mar 16 10:46:41 CET 2006

Hi Wolfgang,

>  I heard some rumors on the dev list that there's a problem with the FE
>  page cache and conditions.
>  Franz Koch tracked this down to a missing rootline in
>  $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine.
>  So my question is: has anybody changed something that might have an
>  impact on this (Caching, rootline, ...)?

I've noticed that message and suppose I know the reason. There was a change by 
Sebastian and me that speeds up the condition checks which were often checked 

If you can reproduce it, please try if reverting that patch (attached) helps.

>  ps: see dev list, "RC1-BUG?! PidInRootline malfunction under certaini
>  conditions" for reference and
>  http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=2888
>  for a bug report

I assigned the bug to me, but if you're already inside of that topic, feel 
free to take it.

- michael
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