[TYPO3-core] RFC: Templavoila + Core fixes

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Wed Mar 15 10:15:24 CET 2006

Hey guys,

On Wednesday, 15. March 2006 09:42, Kasper Skårhøj wrote:

 > I would like to stress one point: The TSconfig option you will have
 > to add must enable _your method_ and not my default implementation. I
 > insist that I have done it the way it should be (and originally
 > worked) - after all I'm the father to all the localization features
 > and always meant it to be like I suggested it in the localization guide.
 > Rob, are your following (I wouldn't expect...)

Well, at least I'm reading everything but I can't say that I really can follow 
all the time. I'm just playing around on my local installation with your 
updated version to build my own picture and join your philosophical 
discussion later on.

Let me give one remark in advance: What the discussion and your document 
should tell us is that this is all too complex for what an average site 
developer can handle. When we now discuss introducing another TSconfig option 
which enables yet another special use case, I have a bad feeling about it - 
without having thought about what nice effects it could have.

I still have the urge to find a simple formula which describes at least the 
90% best practice usage in two sentences. But maybe it's not possible to 
simplify such a complex topic.

We'll see. I'm with you ...


Robert Lemke
TYPO3 Association - Research & Development
Member of the board
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