[TYPO3-core] RFC: MM_foreign_select

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Mon Mar 13 16:23:35 CET 2006


On Sunday 12 March 2006 11:26, Martin Kutschker wrote:
> I'm still dreaming of a a pure DB connector without the fancy
> multi-db-handle-and-parse-everything. All I ever wanted was a class that
> overides t3lib_db with the appripriate low-level-calls to postgresql, ms
> sel or oracle. DBAL is cool, but seems to be more overhead than necessary
> if I simply wnat to replace Mysql with another db.

Right in a way. But why switch then? :)

Anyway, you could just write a customized handler for DBAL that shortcuts a 
lot of the stuff already.

> No. You need to quoute all identifiers to be forward compatible. Direct
> mailer broke when Mysql added the "mid" function as it has a column with
> the name "mid".

Well, this seems theoretical, in a way. How often does this happen in real 

Karsten Dambekalns
TYPO3 Association - Active Member
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