[TYPO3-core] Fix bug #1932: Can't limit content cols for Page>QuickEdit

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Mon Mar 20 20:00:55 CET 2006

Michael Stucki a écrit :

>This is a CVS patch request.
><quote from bugtracker>
>I can't limit the access to certain content cols for the Page Quickedit Tool, 
>because in typo3/sysext/cms/layout/db_layout.php it's hardcoded to select all 
>content elements of all content cols.
></quote from bugtracker>
>Add the colPostList to the query.
>I checked if it makes sense to call it via t3lib_db->cleanIntList() but found 
>out that the value is already piped through t3lib_div::intExplode() before.
>- michael


- Franz

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