[TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix EM2 issues

Peter Niederlag peter at niederlag.de
Fri Mar 17 13:51:17 CET 2006


Karsten Dambekalns schrieb:
> Hi Franz.
> No, I don't. Does anybody else? If this really is an issue I'd like to solve 
> it, of course. So, could someone else please double-check this?

It works here now.

However it needs very recent CVS-code of TYPO3 with Karstens latest
changes (at first I ran into that problem as well).

Franz, plz make very sure you are running on the TYPO3_4.0 branch and
have this in Changelog:

2006-03-16  Karsten Dambekalns <karsten at typo3.org>

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