[TYPO3-core] The XML tags of FlexForm data

Wolfgang Klinger wolfgang at stufenlos.net
Wed Mar 15 11:31:25 CET 2006


 On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, Kasper Skårhøj wrote the following:
> My suggestion is that we go with the complete flavoured XML as I made  
> it. Then it is done, over and out. Further I actually took the chance  
> to introduce an option in TYPO3_CONF_VARS which will ignore the  
> flavouring; this is essentially a switch for backwards compatibility  
> for those who like.

 There are so many oddities in this TYPOXML(tm) ;-)
 Nearly every tag in your screenshots has 'type="array"', why do you
 need that? As long as there are child nodes xml2array can find that out
 itself IMHO.

 Next ist this <vDA>, <vRU>, ... stuff, that's so ugly..
 For suggestions to improve this see Martin's mail.

 And last but not least this index="1", index="2", ... stuff,
 nearly every xml2array package out there will or can do that automagically.

 I beg you to sometimes take a look outside of the TYPO3 world and to
 use available solutions or take proven concepts and ideas from other
 open source projects (they are not that bad ;-)).

 just my 2 cents

 ps: no offence meant as usual, so please take this as serious review

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