[TYPO3-core] RFC: MM_foreign_select

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Wed Mar 8 19:24:26 CET 2006

Hello René,

>>See Kasper's post to the developer list "bidirectional mm relation via
>>TCA". And I would need this too for a new extension dealing addresses.
>>>>>function writeMM($tableName, $uid, $prependTableName=0)
>>>>Please add here the parameter $pid at the end. It is needed to make the
>>>>mm table editable in the backend.
>>This shall come in the future. Just because you are editing with this
>>function now, please put this in.
>Sorry I don't get your point.
>Kasper's post was about that I'm implementing this.
I have read more than that.

>Also I don't get why MM Relations should be editable in BE and how. Let's say 
>you make a tt_content relation to records of different pid's. So where to 
>store the MM records? 
This is a widespread wish from many developers.
You store each relation in a separate entry in the mm table. The pid in
the mm table only means where in the backend it can be found in the LIST
view. It is there only for this reason and because the pid is needed for
many TYPO3 functions.

>Anyway, your suggestions will not work as long as the functionality is not 
>used by the BE while this is very low level.
Yes, but this is needed now to write an extension for the backend and it
would save at least one XCLASS file.
So this small change would be great help.

>I'm already very happy to get this working without to break things ...
Nothing will get broken with this, if you add the parameter with a
default value to the function ', $pid = '');'



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