[TYPO3-core] [TYPO3-dev] Announcing TYPO3 4.0 Release Candidate 1
Michael Stucki
michael at typo3.org
Fri Mar 10 16:45:47 CET 2006
Hi folks,
after a very active period of bug fixing and new features, we're
proud to announce TYPO3 4.0rc1.
Additionally, the TYPO3_4-0 branch is now feature freezed which means that
there will be no more new features in the final version.
Please test this release candidate as much as possible and report bugs
to http://bugs.typo3.org/. Don't forget to set the Product Version of
the bug report to 4.0rc1, because those will be prioritized.
The most important changes from 4.0beta3 to 4.0rc1 are:
* Reworked localization features
Most significant is that translations are stored in the language pack
directories "typo3conf/l10n/[language key]/ now. Due to this
change, the csh_de, csh_fr, etc. are now deprecated.
See [Appendix A: Localization issues]
* New possibility to add and override Page TSConfig via User TSConfig
* The Advanced BE Search form extension has been merged into the
"Tools->DB check" module of the core. (Big thanks to Joey Hasenau!)
* Added support to modify TypoScript values inside the TS parser using
the new := operator.
Example: "myMenu.pidList := addToList(17)" will add 17 to the comma
separated list of PIDs in the TypoScript object "myMenu.pidList".
For a complete list of changes have a look at the ChangeLog file that
ships with the source package.
You can download the source at:
http://typo3.org/download/packages/ (page bottom)
91fb915dd1f59191b0dd6a3c10ae4c8a dummy-4.0rc1.tar.gz
84babd3d544ebfd16f7fafce4ad1002e dummy-4.0rc1.zip
99b3f74634cf18587aecbed2ee47fd01 typo3_src-4.0rc1.tar.gz
2ea3a93e22d62b018cf6e03c6ce37229 typo3_src-4.0rc1.zip
A completely reworked WAMP installer with 4.0 RC1 is available, too,
thanks to Alwin Viereck and Raphael Geyer!
============ Appendix A: Localization issues ============
The translation-framework currently is in a phase of a transition. The
former well known localized csh_* extensions, that used to provide the
localized labels are deprecated as of version 4.0. If you need
localization-support for testing of the RC1 follow this instruction:
* create a folder by the name of typo3conf/l10n
* get the localization as .tgz distribution from
* unpack the .tgz into typo3conf/l10n (keeping the folder [locallang-key])
A more comfortable solution will be in place for final release of 4.0
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