[TYPO3-core] OT: Re: RFC: feature #2743

Wolfgang Klinger wolfgang at stufenlos.net
Sat Mar 11 19:08:17 CET 2006


 On Sat, 11 Mar 2006, Martin Kutschker wrote the following:
> Makes sense, though I would have used a "break" instead of the exit-variable.

 I had a traditional programming education and at this time 'break',
 'exit', 'goto' and such were forbidden and that's why I still avoid using

 So everybody has his own style, Michael doesn't like my 
 "true === $variable" comparisons and you don't like this one, but I still 
 won't change my style (I sometimes make a compromise though), but it's part 
 of my personality ;-) and this style has grown for many, many years
 (always changing and evolving).

 I would also prefer variable names to be all lowercase and words
 separated by underscore instead of mixed case (I would use that only
 for class names), but ok.

 have a nice weekend
 bye Wolfgang

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