[TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #177: Indexed Search cuts the first letter of domain name in searchresult

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Sat Mar 25 14:02:25 CET 2006

Michael Stucki a écrit :

>This is a CVS patch request.
><quote from bugtracker>
>Indexed Search supports searching over multiple domains in an installation of 
>TYPO3. While generating the searchresult , Indexed Search cuts the first 
>character of the section headers, because this are only slashes in a 
>single-domain environment. But even if the section header starts with www.* 
>because of the multi-domain feature, the first character ist cut off and the 
>section ist named "ww.searchresult.org" or similar. I wrote a simple patch 
>which checks for the slash an lets the first character untouched if it's 
>anything else.
></quote from bugtracker>

- Franz

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