[TYPO3-core] RFC: Templavoila + Core fixes
Bernhard Kraft
kraftb at kraftb.at
Wed Mar 15 00:13:59 CET 2006
Kasper Skårhøj wrote:
> and "config.sys_language_overlay" I suppose.
This one I knew. I crossed it's way once when I looked what content_fallback is (I heard
that term somewhere in conjunction with languages - I think it was t3 core api document)
> I'm still a little unsure about what it is you want. I think we should
> first find out: Are you trying to "translate" or "localize" a page?
> By translation I mean that the page has the same structure of content
> in both languages. If you are trying to do that I'm positively sure
> that my approach is best not only technically but also usability wise.
> If you are trying to localize (that is having a different structure in
> german) you might need to use containers with langDisable=0.
I tought this way: If I want to have the same structure I have langChildren=1 ...
all languages will necessarily have the same fields and just the value of each field
is switched depending on the language --- this is necessary in my view of the things
cause one tt_content element has 3 different ID's in default/german/dansish.
I think I understand your approach to have landDisable=1 in the pageDS and then simply put
content elements in ... the german editors will only see the german and ALL ones and in the
FE also only those will get shown (thanks to CONTENT).
Oh ... and I think I get it just right now ...
When you insert a container this is also langDisable=1 and you insert into a CE-field of the
container again mixed ALL/default/german/dansk content elemnts . is that correct ?
I see ... that's a very nice approach.
I think what Robert intended it differentky (correct me if i'm wrong). here an example for
langChildren = 1
FCE with ContenElement-fields (containers in your terms):
if 123 is the UID of a FCE which is internally translated by either Inheritance or Separation
(to use your terms)
and 55 and 84 have translOriginalPointer set to 23 ...
> Anyway, what about if you set up a page on your demo site (using my
> un-patched version of TemplavOila!!), put in some content that we can
> preview on the site, then I will build the same page using my concept.
I will do that on demo2/
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