[TYPO3-core] RFC: Templavoila + Core fixes
Kasper Skårhøj
kasper2006 at typo3.com
Wed Mar 15 00:48:53 CET 2006
Hi Bernhard. The important acknowledgement is in the end of this
mail. In the meantime I somehow went into self-oscillation and
generated a lot of response which is only meant to further clarify,
not counter what you said. In fact I think we are on the same page
now, thats great.
> I tought this way: If I want to have the same structure I have
> langChildren=1 ...
> all languages will necessarily have the same fields and just the
> value of each field
> is switched depending on the language --- this is necessary in my
> view of the things
> cause one tt_content element has 3 different ID's in default/german/
> dansish.
I was just inspired to another visualization, forgive me:
This is what you suggest (Inheritance for a container ):
lDEF / Container / vDEF => 123
lDEF / Container / vDA => 453
lDEF / Container / vDE => 678
This is what I suggest:
lDEF / Container / vDEF => 123
\ - Localization
(sys_language=DK, transl. original=123) => 453
\ - Localization
(sys_language=DK, transl. original=123) => 678
When "sys_language_overlay" is set 123 will _not_ be displayed when a
localization is found for the language displayed.
The result of these two will be the same. I think the latter is more
easy and technically better. Especially because there is a clear
relation between the localized record (453/678) and its original.
This is not the case in the upper suggestion.
Then you will probably say that this relation could still exist:
lDEF / Container / vDEF => 123
\ - Localization
(sys_language=DK, transl. original=123) => 453 **
\ - Localization
(sys_language=DK, transl. original=123) => 678 **
lDEF / Container / vDA => 453 *
lDEF / Container / vDE => 678 *
... BUT this is where the mistakes comes: Element 453 and 678 is now
used two places in the structure. so in which location will it be
used? Well, of course they will be taken from the vDE/vDK values,
marked *, because you use inheritance mode. But then it is
misleading that it is also attached to the record in the default
display, marked **, (conceptually) !
- I think that if you want to place localized records in different
vDEF/vDA/vDE then these elements must be understood as independent
records with independant content: localizations, not translations.
- If you wish to provide translations you should use not use vDEF/vDA/
vDE, but only vDEF and then use the localization relations to select
the correct record for display.
- Finally; There is an aspect of taste involved and I don't mind if
others wants to use a variant as long as it is technically sound.
> I think I understand your approach to have landDisable=1 in the
> pageDS and then simply put
> content elements in ... the german editors will only see the german
> and ALL ones and in the
> FE also only those will get shown (thanks to CONTENT).
Yes, thanks to CONTENT and "sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated"
> Oh ... and I think I get it just right now ...
> When you insert a container this is also langDisable=1 and you
> insert into a CE-field of the
> container again mixed ALL/default/german/dansk content elemnts . is
> that correct ?
Well, you can do it in two ways:
(Not recommended!) Insert a default/danish/german element after each
other; they will be shown only when their language is selected:
lDEF / Container / vDEF => 123, 453 (DK), 678 (DE)
(Correct) Insert the default element (123) and localize it (453 and
678 not referenced from CE but rather pointing to 123 as their original)
lDEF / Container / vDEF => 123
\ - Localization
(sys_language=DK, transl. original=123) => 453 **
\ - Localization
(sys_language=DK, transl. original=123) => 678 **
> I see ... that's a very nice approach.
> I think what Robert intended it differentky (correct me if i'm
> wrong). here an example for
> langChildren = 1
> FCE with ContenElement-fields (containers in your terms):
> <lDEF>
> <field_content_left>
> <vDEF>123</vDEF>
> <vEN>123</vEN>
> <vDK>123</vDK>
> </field_content_left>
> <field_content_right>
> <vDEF>23</vDEF>
> <vEN>55</vEN>
> <vDK>84</vDK>
> </field_content_right>
> </lDEF>
> if 123 is the UID of a FCE which is internally translated by either
> Inheritance or Separation
> (to use your terms)
> and 55 and 84 have translOriginalPointer set to 23 ...
Exactly! This is how Robert made it work.
My point is that it is "double localization" if you have both 55 and
84 in vEN/vDK and have translOriginalPointer set to 23!
So there are two options. Either:
(My recommendation:)
+ translOriginalPointer of 55 and 84 = 23
(sys_language_uid of 55 and 84 points to their language of course)
(The alternative which will work and is OK but will not have a
semantic binding between localization):
+ translOriginalPointer of 55 and 84 = 0
(sys_language_uid of 55 and 84 points to their language of course)
- kasper
>> Anyway, what about if you set up a page on your demo site (using my
>> un-patched version of TemplavOila!!), put in some content that we can
>> preview on the site, then I will build the same page using my
>> concept.
> I will do that on demo2/
> greets,
> Bernhard
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- kasper
"A contribution a day keeps the fork away"
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