[TYPO3-core] RFC: stylesheet.css cleanup + small usability change
Michael Stucki
michael at typo3.org
Thu Mar 9 23:14:10 CET 2006
One more note:
While trying to reproduce something in 4.0beta1, I noticed that the same
dyntab-menu which I was just changing has changed the height.
The change was made by Karsten, but I don't know if he did it by intention
or by mistake. Please have a look at it!
The patch is made against my proposed stylesheet_v3.diff, the attached
screenshots show the look of the dyntab-menu in beta1, beta2 and after my
proposed change (it is not exactly the same like in beta1, but at least it
is higher again which seems more usable to me).
- michael
Michael Stucki wrote:
> This is a CVS patch request.
> I have changed the dyntab-menu definition in typo3/stylesheet.css in some
> small ways:
> - The colors are now more logical (gray font on hover when default font is
> also gray)
> - The border color has been changed so that it doesn't change on hover
> anymore - Disabled elements have no hover effect anymore
> - The mouse cursor for disabled element has been set to "default"
> - Removed one duplicate definition (same line twice)
> - Plus some restructuring (merged similar definitions together)
> Especially the last change was a difficult one which is even more
> difficult to review. Therefore I have made the same modifications twice
> independently from each other to assure there are no mistakes. Hope you
> trust me :-)
> Additionally, I did a lot of cleanup _after_ that change.
> Please approve quickly.
> Regards, michael
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