[TYPO3-core] Sourceforge...

Peter Niederlag peter at niederlag.de
Sat Mar 11 12:09:18 CET 2006


Michael Stucki schrieb:
> Karsten Dambekalns wrote:
>>Well, might be. What is good about it: we could set up TRAC and make use
>>of it's awesome integration of wiki, source browser and tracker. I'd even
>>volunteer to set this up (maybe together with Peter Niederlag who is using
>>it, too).
> I heard of TRAC but never tested it yet.
> I'm all for it if it works as stable as it does right now (I mean, that was
> really one of the only SF problems we had so far...)
> Who is going to coordinate that?

I could do that in about two or three months from now.

We should start with a brief discussion of pros and cons though because
right now we can just consume SF-services without any workload for us.

That would dramatically change if we:

* manage our own svn-service
* manage our own download-infrastructure
* manage our own supplementary service as webaccess to svn (most likely
by trac)

That would need hardware plus administration-work (which I would
dedicate, but it needs at least three people that are in charge and
capable for mamangement)

* self-responsibilty
* better service
* more room for customizations
* individuel look and feel

* more workload
* costs for hardware/bandwidth

Peter Niederlag * Neuer Sandberg 9 * 31535 Neustadt *
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