[TYPO3-core] rtehtmlarea/res in the CVS

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Tue Mar 7 18:01:21 CET 2006

Hi Stanislas,

> > What I don't understand is how you came to the conclusion that it has
> > something to do with my fix in alt_shortcut.php?!
> Because I saw your log entries for that fix on those files and did not
> understand why they were there. Still don't, but I see now that they
> correspond to no-change changes.

Ah, now I got it! As it seems I have just removed a whitespace from the end of 
a line. Nothing less, nothing more. When I edit a file in kate (my editor) it 
removes these blanks automatically.

So everything is ok here.

> > Conclusion: To me it seems everything is alright.
> If you say so, I trust that it is so! :-)

Yes, now I'm sure as well :-)

> I will assume that the locallang files are also ok, although I don't
> understand why all localizations are moved away from the extension.

Yes these were changed by Kasper who did some structural changes to the whole 
translation framework. The localizations are moved away because they were 
empty placeholders which are not required anymore.

> I feel this breaks the cohesion of the extension and also breaks all
> bridges to previous versions of TYPO3.

Maybe you are right, I'm sure Kasper can clear that up.

- michael
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