[TYPO3-core] USER_CINT again

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at blackbox.net
Sat Mar 4 14:15:19 CET 2006

Bernhard Kraft <kraftb at kraftb.at> writes on 
Sat, 04 Mar 2006 13:25:08 +0100 (MET):

> I think I have the solution for you problem.
> Just define some kind of API which says: If there is some "global"
> variable set by the USER func it doesn't get cached.

Hm, it doesn't involve a discrete function as Dmitry wanted, but adds only a strange way to pass a return value via a global var.

Booeal FALSE or an array is IMHO one way, the other is to have an additional method.

I dislike the additional method, because it's IMHO an unnecessary function call and has the problem of instantiating the same class twice. At least now, as the so called persistent objects are singletons, which is not what we want here.

I'm currently in favour or the array as return value. Just one call to the main plugin dispatcher method (as is IMHO custom in TYPO3) and a flexible return value for future addiitons like cache-control for page snippets (very portal-like).

> Very nice feature. We should call it MINT not CINT so it stands for
> MostlyINT

Or MaybeINT :-)

> (what stand CINT for)

CachedINT, but MINT is fine.

> And another proposal would be to let the CINTcacingArray be either an
> integer == do fully cache with site.
> Or "trara" .. an array like:
> array(
> 'expires' => 3600*24, // expire time in seconds from
> now
> 'until' => time()+(3600*24), // expire time in absoulte
> time
> // both of them and whichever is first.
> );

This is what I had in mind by introcuding an array instead of the boolean. But there is some extra work needed to get this running: create a new partial cache or reuse an existing one to store this page snippets. And beware that caching might be depended (as always) of the language and the user group. IMHO the plugin should raise falgs if its contents is dependent of one or the other.

> Then make some possiblity to set this return values from a
> "traditional" cObj like "TEXT" 

No, create a COA_CINT/COA_MINT for that purpose.


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