[TYPO3-core] Reminder: 0001822: There is no API to list tables in theWeb->Page module

rupert germann rupi at gmx.li
Wed Mar 8 20:18:28 CET 2006

Hi Franz,

I see only a screenshot on your mail and in the linked bugreport - no patch.
does the solution which was suggested by ingo does not work for you?
I just checked the display of news in the page module and it works like it 
generally I think that this is a tt_products problem and not an issue for the 
core dev list.


PS: and btw: I can reproduce the error shown in the screenshot but I was again 
trapped by the "fatal error: extension blablabla not loaded"  - And fixing 
this behaviour is definetively your job and not the job of the extension 
manager or the user who has to edit his localconf file on his server when 
installing your extension - which is marked as "stable" afaik (suggestion: 
check, if the required file/extension exists and afterwards include it in 

On Wednesday 08 March 2006 15:05, Franz Holzinger wrote:
> Hello,
> >This is a new feature for the page module:
> >
> >See http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1822
> At least this bug should be corrected with TYPO3 4.0 rc1 (see attached
> image).
> However I propose to use the new feature instead of searching for the
> reason of this error and trying to correct it. The new feature has been
> tested successfully since December 2005.
> Greets,
> Franz
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