[TYPO3-core] Reminder: make db_list.php usable for backend modules

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Thu Mar 9 08:54:21 CET 2006

Hello Rupert,

this has been my answer from December 16th:

>Hello Rupert,
>>On Tuesday 13 December 2005 09:56, Holzinger Franz wrote:
>>>There is hopefully no change in the normal behavoiur of the LIST module.
>>there is one obvious change in the behaviour: Now the normal listing shows 
>>always the "set fields" selector which seems not to have any functionality in 
>>this view (see screenshot). Or did I overlook something?
>>Generally I don't see any advantages in your patch because it is changing 
>>things in a way which could be achieved in a much more compatible way. 
>>If you need a list module with changed functionality, why don't you make a new 
>>BE module with this changes. And if the current code of the list module does 
>>not fit your needs - copy it and change it in the new module. And if this new 
>>module is well tested and actually better than the current one - we can still 
>>replace the existing list module with one that offers more things.
>I have done this already. The code has been used into a library class 
>for the Commerce extension (not yet published) and tested there for 
>about one month now. It will still be tested of course. So I want to 
>bring this back to TYPO3 in order that future changes will come into the 
>TYPO3 class and vice versa.
>>I f.e. have several sites running where the customers wanted a reduced, 
>>changed or more customized list view. These changes where made by XCLASSing 
>>the current list module (And I'm quite shure I'm not the only one who did it 
>>in that way). All those changes will not work anymore with your patch.
>How did you achieve this, because now there is no subclassing possible 
>with db_list.php. And the other included classes could not be used, too, 
>because the BACKPATH has been missing to the scripts.
>Show me you applications and I can adapt them. There has not been any 
>intended change in behaviour. If so, I will correct this.
>>therefore: -1 from me     
>Which changes do you need? Subclassing will still be possible like it 
>has been before.
I want to continue with this issue soon.

So please tell me as soon as possible which code changes you need for
your XCLASS or whatever.




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