[TYPO3-core] "pageCacheToExternalFiles" enabled by default!

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2006 at typo3.com
Thu Mar 30 10:46:35 CEST 2006

Sorry, guys!

I made a major bummer! The new feature "pageCacheToExternalFiles" has  
slipped into the system by default! In "config_default.php" I forgot  
to set it back to "FALSE" after implementing it. This means that our  
RC2 ships with this feature enabled! This is of course not intended!

- The good part is that this will actually test that feature pretty  
well! :-) If no complaints, it works generally (although we have  
problems on typo3.org at the moment, but not with the concept per see).
- The other good part is that when people upgrade to FINAL or RC3 and  
this feature is set back after a cache clearing everything works like  
in the old days, so no high risk actually...

So... hmm... two good things.... what was my point... ?

Well, as soon as CVS works again (yes! again!) I will commit the change!

- kasper

"A contribution a day keeps the fork away"
kasper2006 at typo3.com | +45 20 999 115 | skype: kasperskaarhoej |  
gizmo: kasper_typo3

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