[TYPO3-core] RFC: stylesheet.css cleanup + small usability change

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Thu Mar 9 22:06:38 CET 2006

This is a CVS patch request.

I have changed the dyntab-menu definition in typo3/stylesheet.css in some 
small ways:

- The colors are now more logical (gray font on hover when default font is
  also gray)
- The border color has been changed so that it doesn't change on hover anymore
- Disabled elements have no hover effect anymore
- The mouse cursor for disabled element has been set to "default"
- Removed one duplicate definition (same line twice)
- Plus some restructuring (merged similar definitions together)

Especially the last change was a difficult one which is even more difficult to 
review. Therefore I have made the same modifications twice independently from 
each other to assure there are no mistakes. Hope you trust me :-)

Additionally, I did a lot of cleanup _after_ that change.

Please approve quickly.

Regards, michael
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