[TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #2968: Hidden fields missing in search form

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Thu Mar 23 21:44:18 CET 2006

Hello Michael,

>Extend pi_indexedsearch to create a whole bunch of hidden fields dynamically.
>Bugtracker reference:
>- michael
You have changed

-		$markerArray['###HIDDEN_VALUE_TYPE###'] = $this->piVars['type'] ? 1 : 0;
-		$markerArray['###HIDDEN_VALUE_EXT###'] = $this->piVars['ext'] ? 1 : 0;


$hiddenFieldMarkerArray['###HIDDEN_VALUE###'] = (string)$this->piVars[$fieldName];

However maybe an empty string should have a value '0' again?

- Franz

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