[TYPO3-core] RFC: Templavoila feature

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Sun Mar 12 00:20:09 CET 2006


This is a TemplaVoila patch request :)

When you view the default-language of a page and you have checked the option "Display translation information" in
the "Advanced" Tab of TV 0.6.0 you see preview of the content of each translated element.

But currently you do not see the translated content of FCE's. And it is also not possible to create translations of
FCEs (meaning: insert a reference to them into the translated pages)

A lot of changes in the TV main module ... no other changes except one new locallang labels (Create reference for translation)

I simply added the missing code in the method:

I gave the possibility to either just display only simple content (Plain Text, Images, etc.) as language preview of the FCE's
or if you set the TSConfig variable:

mod.SHARED.fullLanguagePreview = 1

You will see the complete record of the translated FCE --- so it is possible to also show the translated content of Content Element
containers in FCE's :) nice isn't it.

This patch requires that you have already applied my previous patch because. It should also work without it but then you will not
be able to translate FCE's properly (they will not get inserted in the translated page)

Please note that you need to set the "Language" field of an FCE to "ALL" (it is set to the default language by default) to make it
possible to translate it. If you do this the icon of the FCE will have such an "all flags" icon next to it and it will suddenly show
you the "translate" button or already translated instances on the same page.


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