[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 331: Support IPv6 addresses

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Wed Mar 8 08:19:28 CET 2006

Hello Bernhard,

>Franz Holzinger wrote:
>>This would be fine with me. Inform me via email when I can replace this
>The simple outcome is: "::" must only be used once. Else the IPv6 addr isn't distinguisuable
>(unique). Read that in the docs - it's written everywhere.
It's not so easy to find with Google because you have 100 000 matches.


>on any error a '' string is returned.
You have changed interface of the original function and allow a wildcard.

>I do comparison and masking by using boolean arithmetic. just simple shifts and bit-wise &'s.
>I also changed cmpIPv4 to this style ... I tought it would be much faster but only about
>2%. does that count :?
I do not understand why your version of the validIPv6Addr function
should be faster to put the ip into an array and call the regexp in a
loop. Here you  did not use bit shifts or bitwise '&'.



>+	function validIPv6Addr($testIP, $allowWildcard = false)	{
>+		$testParts = t3lib_div::trimExplode('::', $testIP);
>+		if (count($testParts)>2)	{
>+			return '';
>+		}
>+		$p1 = t3lib_div::trimExplode(':', $testParts[0], 1);
>+		$p2 = t3lib_div::trimExplode(':', $testParts[1], 1);
>+		if (($set = count($p1)+count($p2))>8)	{
>+			return '';
>+		}
>+		if (!isset($testParts[1])&&count($p1)!=8)	{
>+			return '';
>+		}
>+		if ($set<8)	{
>+			$pfill = array_fill(0, 8-$set, 0);
>+		} else	{
>+			$pfill = array();
>+		}
>+		$testParts = array_merge($p1, $pfill, $p2);
>+		foreach ($testParts as $idx => $v)	{
>+			$v = strtolower($v);
>+			if ($allowWildcard && trim($v)=='*')	{
>+				$testParts[$idx] = '*';
>+			} elseif (!preg_match('/[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}/', $v))	{
>+				return '';
>+			} else	{
>+				$testParts[$idx] = str_pad($v, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
>+			}
>+		}
>+		return implode(':', $testParts);
>+	}

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