[TYPO3-core] RFC: Extend TypoScript values

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Sat Mar 4 22:49:27 CET 2006

I notice that Stanislas has changed the function slightly according to the
patch attached.

I'm really unsure but think that isset() is not correct here because the
variable _is_ set actually but may be empty.

Suggestion is to either revert his change or change isset() to strlen().

- michael

Michael Stucki wrote:

> Finally committed! :-)
> I still have to document this in doc_core_ts, will do that next week.
> @Stanislas: Please change rtehtmlarea accordingly to modify the
> showButtons etc. lists using that function.
> - michael
> Michael Stucki wrote:
>> OK, finally it were Masi and Ingmar who voted for ":", Sebastian and
>> myself voting for "TSparser".
>> I'm fine with the first solution and propose the following patch
>> (attached).
>> Meanwhile I added a hook to add custom parsing functions, hope it is
>> fine. You can test the hook using the attached extension which adds a new
>> function "multiply":
>> lib.myVar  5
>> lib.myVar : multiply(2)
>> Results in lib.myVar being "10".
>> - michael
>> Michael Stucki wrote:
>>> Martin Kutschker wrote:
>>>>> I would suggest the following:
>>>>> xyz.pidList.TSPROC.addToList  20,21
>>>>> Then it is clear that it is processed at parse-time,
>>>> Why? TSPROC means nothing to the layman.
>>> So what about "TSparser" or "TSPARSER"? (I'd prefer the first
>>> suggestion)
>>> xyz.pidList.TSparser.addToList  20,21
>>>> How baout
>>>> xyz.pidList : addToList(20,21)
>>>> : is the only special key, and we have all the pseudo-functions we
>>>> : like.
>>> Hmm, that looks also nice. I'm open for both.
>>>> Instead of the round brackets square or curly oness can be used, or
>>>> none if we use another colon.
>>>> xyz.pidList : addToList[20,21]
>>>> xyz.pidList : addToList{20,21}
>>>> xyz.pidList : addToList:20,21
>>> I think using other brackets than () does not make much sense. They are
>>> fine for me, why should we use different ones?
>>> If you have no objections with the feature in general at this point, I
>>> would like to have a little poll about what syntax you prefer more.
>>> Everyone (also the read-only members) is invited to vote, but please
>>> don't spam the lists, send me a private message instead. I will get back
>>> to you tomorrow afternoon...
>>> a) xyz.pidList : addToList(20,21)
>>> b) xyz.pidList.TSPROC.addToList  20,21
>>> c) xyz.pidList.TSparser.addToList  20,21
>>> d) xyz.pidList.__TSparser__.addToList  20,21
>>> e) ...?
>>> - michael

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