[TYPO3-core] RFC: Templavoila + Core fixes

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Wed Mar 15 16:22:46 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Kasper Skårhøj wrote:

> Bottomline: I will never recommend the other approach in the guide  
> but I'm not opposed to presenting it as an alternative way of  
> thinking. I just think both you and bernhard are having years of  
> experience with localization against you to see the blessings of my  
> recommendation. But I could be equally wrong of course.

Hi !

I read quickly through all of your postings and first I have to state
that I am also "on your track"..

I think sleep ordered mind and and when I checked it now I noticed that
when you set "langDisable=1" in PageDS that you do not have a language selector
in the TV page module at all (with your latest version).

So I see the point: I have an "Dansih only" Editor ... he will see the default
content and buttons to translate the elements to danish ...

It is hardly required that it is possible to translate "traditional" CEs and
especially FCE's directly from the "default language" view as this is the only
No probs with trad. CE's but I think you also noted it in one of your mails that
you can't edit FCE's (right ?)

When I sum it all up then I come to the result that we should completly drop localization
in the Flexform when there would only be Content-Elements inside ... but as this is not
the case and there are also, strings, images and links as fields of a flexform the localization
in the XML makes its sense.

I think we have now way to get around coding both of those possiblities as Kaspers version is
for sure the more clever one if you want to achieve a strict ordering and linkage but Roberts
version is already "out-in-the-wild" and we can't afford to break compatiblity with thousands
or at least hundreads of TV multilanguage installations !
- ---
*1* (Kaspers version, version-K) langDisable has to get set to 0 - enables hard-binding between CE's. alternative
language CE's can still get inserted between default-language elements - order of translated-CEs is given
by default language.
Fixes required: FCE's have to display their translated content properly to make it possible to edit translations.
- ---
*2* (Roberts version, version-R) langDisable has to get set to 1 - soft-binding between CE's. translated language completly
independent from default-language altough elements can get localized (will have translOrig set), order is defined
by order in alternative-language. Content elements get inserted in correct position when translated but order does
not get changed in alternative language when CE's in default-language get reordered (too complex).
Fixes required: Translated CE's have to get inserted into the correct field of the alternative language. Probably
also the FCE previews from *1*
- ---

We should meet up in IRC on #typo3-dev to discuss this a little.

Any preferences on the time ? I would suggest 20.00. Anyway .. I will be there in about an hour.

I still have to fix a few issues for customers but I think from 20.00 on I have time and will start
to make a fix which allows both ways (Kaspers and Roberts).

But I never had any comment from anyone of you if you agree with my method to let TCE_main handle the localization of
the CE and TV the insertion into the Flexforms (which is not needed for version-K but for version-R). I achieved
this by letting tce_db.php append the result of the copy/localize operations as &result[...] parameter to the
Comments please :)

- --
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