[TYPO3-core] RFC: GIFBUILDER transparency

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Fri Mar 17 19:05:17 CET 2006

Hello Bernhard,

>>>+                // Transparency does not properly work when, GIFs or
>>>8-bit PNGs are generated or reduceColors is set -- disable truecolor
>>>flag so they get generated "natively" in 8-bit.
>>>+                // not working with reduceColors and truecolor images
>>>+            if (($this->setup['transparentBackground'] ||
>>>is_array($this->setup['transparentColor_array'])) &&
>>>($this->gifExtension=='gif' || !$this->png_truecolor ||
>>>isset($this->setup['reduceColors'])))    {
>>>+                $this->truecolor = false;
>>>+            }
>The second part of the above if condition matches the cases where truecolor isn't allowed.
>This is the case when:
>b) png_truecolor is not set - png_truecolor is an "output" setting which only decides if the final
>output shall be truecolor. (if not set would result in bad colors because reduced ..)

+1,  if the question about using -1 or false has been clarified by
someone else.
And please copy your good comments as comments to the code lines.

- Franz

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