[TYPO3-hci] Make Sysfolder appears as Web Module

Krystian Szymukowicz t33kRE.MO.VE. at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Thu Mar 20 19:08:16 CET 2008

Patrick Gaumond wrote:
> Hello dear HCI people,
> Before making this suggestion in the bugtracker for 4.3, I wanted to get 
> some input from you. Here's the idea:
> Feature: Make Sysfolder appears as Web Module
> Scenario: Simplification for tt_news editors.
> For someone new to TYPO3, having to select a sysfolder in "list mode" is 
> a bit strange at first. Why isn't a module, why is it mixed with pages ? 
> It's not intuitive to first select "List" then navigate the pagetree to 
> find where the news records are "hidden".


What about existing system extension "sys_action"?

You can define action there as:
"Add news"
"Edit news"

In sys_action editor have no access to pagetree. You decide where the 
news will be added or what news are edited.

Additionally you can hide sysfolders in pagetree already with following 
User TS:
options.hideRecords.pages = [pids of pages in the tree you want to hide]

With "sys_action" and "options.hideRecords.pages" backend can be really 

One thing I dislike however is that if you do 
"options.hideRecords.pages" then the page is not available in "record 
browser". That means that for example editor can not select "news 
There should be different settings for "page tree" and "record browser" 
in options.hideRecords.pages.


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