[TYPO3-hci] Better handling of TCE-forms

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Fri Nov 2 09:09:16 CET 2007

Hi Jens, hi list,

> PS: If you like to clean up little things, post it to the list ... NOW! :) 

I take you by the word Jens and have a little feature wish - but I'm not 
sure how easy it will be to implement.

Currently, the TCE-forms use quite a lot of JavaScript - and some of it 
is quite unnecessary and sometimes annoying. I f.e. don't understand why 
all values of input fields get filled in the form with JavaScript and 
are not directly written in the code. For me, this is a) a unnecessary 
JS overhead and b) sometimes quite annoying when I start editing a field 
a bit to early (before the page is completely loaded) and the changes 
get overwritten again.
The next thing that annoys me is, that some changes in the fields are 
not recognized by the JS and thus not saved. Example:
I write a headline and save the form. Some time later I change the 
headline and save the form. Then I notice - the old headline was better, 
so I erase the text in the headline field, start typing, the browser 
gives me auto completion suggestions from my earlier values of this 
field, I select one, save the form and the field is stored empty.
So the JS doesn't react on auto completed values (Firefox - didn't check 
in other browsers). I suppose TCE forms does only store values written 
to a hidden field with JS - but what for? Why this useless overhead 
(again)? The JS validation can also be done without it.

Is there a chance to change this?

Franz Koch

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