[TYPO3-hci] BE Wizard configuration tool

Jean-Baptiste Rio triphot69 at hotmail.com
Wed May 17 14:27:28 CEST 2006

Hi List,

I try to help my BE beginners to learn the use of Typo3 but it's hard 
sometimes. My concern is to be able to build wizards to help them to work.

*First level* : Chain of common BE actions.
For example : a "Create a news" wizard could include those action :
- Ask the BE User for the storage pid (if they are more than one and he 
has access to more than one)
- Open the storage pid
- Activate the "Create new object" button for the news section
- When the user leaves the news editor with the "save and quit" button, 
refresh the cache of the pages where the new is published.

*Second level* : Help to key in new objects
- Wizard to key in a news
- Wizard to create a new page+text content
- Wizard to create a new image galery

I don't know how this can be implemented, but i'm sure that it could 
help my BE users.



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