[TYPO3-hci] BE vs FE

Tapio Markula tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Mon Jul 31 22:28:44 CEST 2006

Waldemar Kornewald wrote:

> The editor can display images, so why not icons?

Icons collection for actions or how?
One CMS put raw [marker], which are really bad.

> You could store it in a separate table if you like. Every marker could
> get an ID which can be associated with its settings in the settings
> table. There is a multitude of solutions. It's not really the problem,
> is it?

yes - but then there is not *single* record of the whole page, which you
wanted. Controlling configurations would *not* be easy in this way either.

> That layout doesn't have to be converted to HTML tables. It's just a
> visualization of the page.

if it is just a visualization of a page, it is not then WYSIWYG

> And if I understand the current concept
> then it's basically the same. You can put records above each other or
> next to each other. Isn't that like a table?

just BE visualization, which has nothing to do with
the possibities to design laouts for Web-pages.

> Of course not. Skins can be as flexible as you like, but I was talking
> about how to visualize one single page. I want to suggest improvements
> for the page module.

But you idea to put everything into one record is not IMO working idea
because of configuration, layout limitations and access control problems.

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