[TYPO3-hci] BE vs FE

Waldemar Kornewald wkornew at gmx.net
Mon Jul 31 23:30:57 CEST 2006

On 7/31/06, Tapio Markula <tapio.markula at dnainternet.net> wrote:
> > The editor can display images, so why not icons?
> Icons collection for actions or how?
> One CMS put raw [marker], which are really bad.

Yes, I don't like raw [markers] either. I thought about having a
simple image which looks like a button. Click on it and you get a
pop-up with the configuration dialog. This doesn't have to be a real
pop-up. please click on the "Login" link at the bottom of the
following page to see what I mean:
You can also watch the movies in the "Features" list.

> > You could store it in a separate table if you like. Every marker could
> > get an ID which can be associated with its settings in the settings
> > table. There is a multitude of solutions. It's not really the problem,
> > is it?
> yes - but then there is not *single* record of the whole page, which you
> wanted. Controlling configurations would *not* be easy in this way either.

The UI would still show the configuration in-place. The ID is only
used internally to connect the record/module with its settings.

> > And if I understand the current concept
> > then it's basically the same. You can put records above each other or
> > next to each other. Isn't that like a table?
> just BE visualization, which has nothing to do with
> the possibities to design laouts for Web-pages.


> > Of course not. Skins can be as flexible as you like, but I was talking
> > about how to visualize one single page. I want to suggest improvements
> > for the page module.
> But you idea to put everything into one record is not IMO working idea
> because of configuration, layout limitations and access control problems.

I still think that a good editor can solve all problems (there are
AJAX-based office suites, so *everything* is possible), but I won't
suggest this, anymore. Let's stick with the record-based scheme, but
simplify it. For example, every new page should have a text record, by
default, so you can get started immediately. Also, why do we need so
many different record types? "Text with image below", etc...Why not
simply "Text" and a list of modules (Filelinks, Form, Image-Array,
News, Forum, etc.). Images and tables should be insertable right
within the editor.

Waldemar Kornewald

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