[TYPO3-ect] lib/div 1.0 - it's time to say thank you

Steffen Kamper steffen at dislabs.de
Sat Jan 6 22:49:22 CET 2007

Hi Elmar,

"Elmar HInz" <elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1168112139.22814.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hello Steffen,
> let me thank you for your translation of my blogs article "Proper
> caching with pi_base" into german. Searching for pi_base it is meanwhile
> the first hit on google. I didn't expect that it would be so successfull
> to be translated, else I would have done it a more carefully. One
> important point is missing. The setting of the the $prefixId from which
> Kasper writes: "// Should be same as classname of the plugin, used for CSS 
> classes,
> variables". I like to call it controller key. Making links to external
> plugins with tslib_pibase you need to change it's value to that of the
> target plugin before calling the link function, in addition to what we
> have written in the article.
> http://www.sk-typo3.de/Richtiges-Cachen-mit-pi_base.188.0.html
> http://t3flyers.wordpress.com/2006/09/11/a-quick-guide-to-correct-caching-with-pi_base/

Thank you for your article - it helps a lot of people understamding the 
mechanism of pi_base linking.
In this cas the $prefixId is not used cause the links are to the same 
plugin, but you are right, it should be mentioned. I will add this next 

> Am Sat, 06 Jan 2007 13:21:59 +0100 schrieb Steffen Kamper:
>>> In a few lines:
>>> Model    > Controller   > View
>>> MySQL    > PHP          > Smarty
>>> The best visualization I know:
>>> http://www.typo3-calendar.org/typo3temp/pics/31a2845330.jpg
>>> http://www.typo3-calendar.org/1576.0.html
>> this is one of the best concepts for Extensions ! It should be the 
>> default
>> model for future Extensions - that needs integration for kickstarter to
>> support this way.
> Integration of lib/div into the kickstarter should indeed be one of the
> steps. As I can't do it all alone it depends on others joining in.

This is only discussing, i didn't meant you have to do this ;-)

> For now I have published the extension "apples" to give a minimale example
> of how to get started with MVC, a kind of hello world extension.
>> I say +1 for smarty, but know you need to integrate smarty as another
>> extension.
>> I vote for integrating smarty as default template engine for typo3 - just 
>> my
>> vision. Then it's no problem to use it in templates.
>> What do you think ?
> Voting doesn't implement software. Just do it. :-)
sure, not only voting - i would like to join to give my possible part of 
help !

it's allready done: ext smarty My voting should only express how much i like 
it cause the complex possibilities.
I did a lot with php/peer/smarty - and this is a good combination.
Sure, smarty has own cache procedures, but you don't have to use them. On 
the other hand, the debug of smarty can help a lot while rendering the 

> My personal opionion is that smarty is mighty but much oversized for my
> typical requirements. For example it implements features that are handled
> by TYPO3 itself like caching. It is a kind of CMS on it's own. Next I
> don't like to learn a new language to do iteration and conditions, if I
> already know PHP. Also the Zend framework uses PHP templates. As a am 
> personally
> not interested in smarty I will not be the one implementing it into TYPO3.
> My general opinion is that smarty should by offered for TYPO3 and for
> lib/div in special, as a lot of people like to use it and are already
> accustomed the smarty language. The phpView is only one possible
> templating engine for lib/div. Others should be provided. It is the
> concept of the separation of model and view to enable the use of different
> templating engines with the same model.

sure - as it is an framework and here is the possibility to discuss it we 
also should discuss this things concerning output, templates, etc.

vg  Steffen

> Regards
> Elmar

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