[TYPO3-ect] lib/div 1.0 - it's time to say thank you

Elmar HInz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Sat Jan 6 20:35:30 CET 2007

Hello Steffen,

let me thank you for your translation of my blogs article "Proper
caching with pi_base" into german. Searching for pi_base it is meanwhile
the first hit on google. I didn't expect that it would be so successfull
to be translated, else I would have done it a more carefully. One
important point is missing. The setting of the the $prefixId from which
Kasper writes: "// Should be same as classname of the plugin, used for CSS classes,
variables". I like to call it controller key. Making links to external
plugins with tslib_pibase you need to change it's value to that of the
target plugin before calling the link function, in addition to what we
have written in the article.


Am Sat, 06 Jan 2007 13:21:59 +0100 schrieb Steffen Kamper:

>> In a few lines:
>> Model    > Controller   > View
>> MySQL    > PHP          > Smarty
>> The best visualization I know:
>> http://www.typo3-calendar.org/typo3temp/pics/31a2845330.jpg
>> http://www.typo3-calendar.org/1576.0.html
> this is one of the best concepts for Extensions ! It should be the default 
> model for future Extensions - that needs integration for kickstarter to 
> support this way.

Integration of lib/div into the kickstarter should indeed be one of the
steps. As I can't do it all alone it depends on others joining in. 

For now I have published the extension "apples" to give a minimale example
of how to get started with MVC, a kind of hello world extension. 

> I say +1 for smarty, but know you need to integrate smarty as another 
> extension.
> I vote for integrating smarty as default template engine for typo3 - just my 
> vision. Then it's no problem to use it in templates.
> What do you think ?

Voting doesn't implement software. Just do it. :-)

My personal opionion is that smarty is mighty but much oversized for my
typical requirements. For example it implements features that are handled
by TYPO3 itself like caching. It is a kind of CMS on it's own. Next I
don't like to learn a new language to do iteration and conditions, if I
already know PHP. Also the Zend framework uses PHP templates. As a am personally 
not interested in smarty I will not be the one implementing it into TYPO3.

My general opinion is that smarty should by offered for TYPO3 and for
lib/div in special, as a lot of people like to use it and are already 
accustomed the smarty language. The phpView is only one possible
templating engine for lib/div. Others should be provided. It is the
concept of the separation of model and view to enable the use of different
templating engines with the same model.



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