[TYPO3-ect] lib/div 1.0 - it's time to say thank you

Cyprian Kowalczyk cyprian at pi2.pl
Tue Jan 9 11:47:01 CET 2007

On Sat, 06 Jan 2007 13:21:59 +0100, Steffen Kamper <steffen at dislabs.de>  

> I say +1 for smarty, but know you need to integrate smarty as another
> extension.
> I vote for integrating smarty as default template engine for typo3 -  
> just my
> vision. Then it's no problem to use it in templates.
> What do you think ?

-1 for Smarty.

Maybe it is convienient for non-technical people, like graphics designers,  
but still they've got probelms with it and there why to revrite PHP's  
native capabilities?

In my opinion the default template engine should be something like TV, but  
extended for usability by non-technical people. I would see a visual way  
of working with template where, like mapping in TV, where you could simply  
insert conent and select f.i. supbarts for iterations etc.


regards, Cyprian
http://pi2.pl design project

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