[TYPO3-ect] Close to final alpha - Roadmap

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 18 22:11:44 CET 2007

Hi Fabien,

thank you for reflecting the result of the developing process. On the first
glance bananas will look very different again, but it isn't that much
altered as it may seem.

Fabien Udriot wrote:

> Hi every one,
> I did some testing with the subversion's lib and I feel quite confused at
> the moment. It seems to me that we have droped the concept of MVC.

As you see I scheduled an example plugin with strict MVC style in bananas.
Lib/div itself is more finegrained than simple MVC. (Would you place the
RTE transformations into model or view?)

> Furthermore, I don't see in bananas the PAC's concept any more

PAC and PoP is not the same but related: 

* PAC (Hierarchical MVC) teaches, that there is a tree of nodes, where each
node has all a model, a view and a controller. It's still there, for
example in form of the pager. 

* PoP (Action Pipeline) is a linear workflow to handle the request cycle. 
It can do subcalls in the sense of PAC. It also is still there, as the
actions of bananas show. But the style has changed a little. 

> presented on the wiki
> http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/MVC_Framework#The_Action_Pipeline

A while ago I already hinted, that I would strip the TS configurable PoP
from lib/div for some reasons and move it to an addon_extension. 

a) The pipeline requires knowlege about internal varible names of the
processor objects. Direct setter and getter methods for the properties are
missing. So the support by IDEs is low and people will need some time to
get used to this style. 

b) XML templates, object trees and the TS tree are hierarchical structures
by nature. My longterm perspective is to make them work together. To use
them as different perspectives of the same tree components. A linear
pipeline is a helpful sideway for people used to think in "batch mode" and
worth to be offert as extension to lib/div. But it is not in the direct
line towards matching XML, TS and objects structures.

> We had, previously, a clear file structure that looked like this :
> - extension's root
> --- configurations/setup.txt
> --- controllers/** all my controllers **
> --- models/** all my models **
> --- views/** all my views **
> Now, it seems that we have totaly reorganised the file organisation.

Well, a strict rule for file organisation is not required to use lib/div.
There are many good ways to organize the directories. It depends on the
targets of your project on which directory level you want to separate model
and view. 

> If I understand well, bananas will be completed with 3 others folders
> which will present other programming coding style. (php4 - smarty - mvc)

Right. I use the different styles as top level of the directory structure to
underline that they show very different alternatives. 

> Isn't it a weakness to multiplie the coding style's possibility ?

It's at least a weakness to give no recommendation at all, but  it's also a
weakness to have no competition. I think we can profit from some competing
styles in the beginning before we give a recommendation. Else there is some
risk that we recommend an inferior style.

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