[TYPO3-ect] script.aculo.us 1.6.4

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Thu Sep 21 22:50:35 CEST 2006

Joerg Schoppet wrote:
> Hi,
> just want to inform, that I've uploaded the extension "scriptaculous",
> which included the actual library in version 1.6.4.
> For the configuration I was inspired by the "overlib" extension, which
> doesn't need to be instantiated to be included.
> As discussed in long threats here and elsewhere, I've discoverd, that
> script.aculo.us and xaJax can live extremly good side by side.

Hi Joerg,

so we have an official maintainer for the extension? That sounds good.

I have meanwhile asked on some of the lists if people could confirm the
conflicts that were reported. There was little feedback, so it doesn't
look like a serious problem.

Judging from the discussion on HCI there is little knowlage in the
community, that ajax enables something that wasn't possible in the past
and will stay important in the future: Combining accessiblility and
smart DHTML without additional work, once you understand the concept.

It would be usefull to spread that knowladge within the community
specially in context with prototype. It seduces people to programm
thingies on the client side that belong onto the servers side, so that
they will still work in the traditional way of forms and links if JS is
off. A simply fallback, no extra work.



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