[TYPO3-ect] script.aculo.us 1.6.4

Joerg Schoppet joerg at schoppet.de
Thu Sep 21 09:36:27 CEST 2006


just want to inform, that I've uploaded the extension "scriptaculous", 
which included the actual library in version 1.6.4.

For the configuration I was inspired by the "overlib" extension, which 
doesn't need to be instantiated to be included.

As discussed in long threats here and elsewhere, I've discoverd, that 
script.aculo.us and xaJax can live extremly good side by side.


With xaJax I create to lists and then I let xaJax include the necessary 
script.aculo.us-code to make the lists sortable -> great ;-)

Only one thing. Don't try to include the script.aculo.us files with the 
xaJax-function addIncludeScript(), this doesn't work.

Kind Regards

Joerg Schoppet

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