[TYPO3-core] For typo3.org admins only: realurl extension list error

bernd wilke t3ng at bernd-wilke.net
Wed May 28 11:06:11 CEST 2014

Am 09.04.14 14:13, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
> Hi,
> On 9-4-2014 10:31, Brodala, Mathias wrote:
>>> md5s are not really neede there, so I just clear them.
>> You are right about that and thanks to VCS nowadays the checksums do
>> not really serve
>> any purpose anymore.
> The 6.x EM doesn't use them anymore, but there is a use case for them:
> An integrator who has to update an installation which he didn't
> originally set up could use a feature which indicates (based on those
> checksums) if there are parts of the extension which are possibly
> modified. Then they could ask a developer to take a look before deciding
> upgrade the extension to a newer version.
> The Extension Manager is targeted at integrators who are not developers.
> There are quite a few sites which are not in VCS and which are not
> deployed using automated scripts. For these integrators the feature
> should be brought back in the Extension Manager.

EXT:additional_reports has a view ("loaded extension list") to show 
differences between local file and file in TER (so it does not work 
correct yet as it displays / counts all files as modified)

but the view of differences is correct.


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