[TYPO3-core] Changing behavior of the TEXT cObject

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Thu Feb 6 12:44:34 CET 2014

> This would not even be a breaking change and you don't have to replace
> the whole TypoScript code, since it will be fully backwards compatible.
> So adding stdWrap on the first level would be a real improvement.

BTW: There is no problem having to "unset" other root properties like 
i.e. "value" in TEXT or "file" in IMAGE, since this will be done 
automatically by stdWrap internally.

There was a team at a workshop at the developer days before 4.5 checking 
all the appearances of the different properties and they did not find 
any doubles while comparing root level methods of cObjects with stdWrap 

Additionally we built in an array with "allowed" stdWrap methods, that 
is intersected with the incoming properties and leaves just the official 
stdWrap properties in place.

So it would be easy to do, backwards compatible and more comfortable for 
the integrators to introduce root level stdWrap methods for each cObject.



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