[TYPO3-core] (New) TYPO3 CMS Vision

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Thu Aug 28 14:19:32 CEST 2014

Am 15.08.14 11:04, schrieb Oliver Hader:

> There is a promise we gave with TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS in March 2014 which
> will last at least until March 2017. And besides that, continuing is
> also quite obvious, but processed, working modes and the vision need
> some adoption and revitalization.

Hi Olli, dear TYPO3 friends and enthusiasts,

thanks for starting this discussion here.

If i understand you correct there are two main forces that you describe 
in the above sentence:

* continuity (or the promise to maintain a (succesful) product
* development and evolution of the product

You also mention that there are processes and working modes around that 
might need adoption and/or revitalization.

Let us start with the second (the processes and working parameters).

Here are my questions:

* do we have a common value that we want to keep?
* why do we work together?
* Are we a homogenous group or are we a mix of different motivated 
* Do we have common rules on how we solve problems?
* How do we come to a group consensus?
* How do we deal with disagreement?
* Who influences us and who is influenced by us?

Once we have cleared this we will certainly get an idea about a possible 
common vision for the future.

Let me ask some more questions.
(I dont expect any answer here that are authoritative)

* What main problems did TYPO3 CMS solve when it was created?
* Does this problem still exist? Has the problem evolved? If yes into what?
* If the problem is still mutating, where do you expect it to be?
* Whose problems do we solve? What else can be solved?
* What are the "known known" problems that we need to solve?
* What are the "known unknown" problems? What cant we influence?
* What are the "unknown unknown" problems?

Let me remind the vision statement of the typo3 community as it is 
currently phrased: Inspiring People to Share.

The Mission Statement: To Jointly Innovate Excellent Free Software 
Enabling People to Communicate.

In both statements its about the people that we inspire and enable.

Keep this in mind while finding an answer to technical problems.

Create a culture that wants to solve peoples (not only developers) 

I am willing to help to reach this goal.

kind regards,


PS: As you might you the TYPO3 Association has started a Feedback 
possibility on the products (Called Agency Meetups). We will also invite 
you (The CMS and Neos Team) for a such a Meetup too and we will present 
the collected market feedback.

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