[TYPO3-core] (New) TYPO3 CMS Vision

Alexander Opitz opitz at pluspol.info
Wed Aug 27 17:32:01 CEST 2014

Hi everybody,

back from vacation I read through this thread, many things already 
written, most of them are very good but some have to much details for a 
vision. But now to my "vision list":

- Work with TYPO3 CMS/Neos till the end of my days. :)

Hopefully Internet and PHP is in 30 years still around and my brain gets 
all the new existing features which will then exists.

- Get TYPO3 CMS/Neos closer together in developing (Fluid, Extbase, etc.)

Some bugs needs to be fixed on both projects, but after something is 
fixed in Neos it won't apply in CMS till someone have this issue there. 
Also it seams not easy to write an extension for both worlds. As both 
have different concepts it will never easy but I think the barrier 
should be lowered.

- Eliminate ExtJS/Prototype/... in backend

The backend really needs work. There are many ideas what could be 
changed. But before this can happen, I think we need to remove 

- TER / Extension Manager

TER was and is a good place for extensions, but it have only the 
possibility of one development strategy. It needs to support multiple 
versions so you can release x1.y1.z1 and x2.y2.z2 of an extension.

Add support for packagist/composer packages to TER and handle them like 
a t3x/zip file. And be open for another package formats.

So we have one central extension point but also the possibility to 
support different development strategies.

Also add the possibility to categorize extensions. If you try to find an 
extension for a functionality you are mostly lost. We already had 
categories but didn't used them very well and was removed in latest EM. 
Its also hard to find extensions which extend another one or is a theme 
to another one. Also a possibility to flag extensions as "AC developed" 
as already discussed on the mailing list.

- Move more sys extensions to TER

Many extensions already mentioned. This doesn't mean we need a new 
maintainer for them. They can be still AC developed extensions but not 
every extension is needed by everybody.

- Media extension

As TYPO3 CMS is an "Enterprise CMS" it should also possible to manage 
the FAL in a good way. So this Extension should be one of the "AC 
developed" one.

- Flexform vs. table fields

Flexform is a nice XML thing for extending, but sometimes hard to 
handle, not fast, data and processing hungry not useable for SQL 

Using table fields is also data and processing hungry. Filling all 
object values with empty data, rising data transfer between DB and 
Webserver for nothing. Every field which is added to a DB table to be 
used on one or two content elements adds extra DB traffic on every 
tt_content select statement.

Here we need a new concept to save data and extend objects.

- Developing new feature APIs with a reference/demo usage

This means every new (bigger) feature should come with a demonstration 
of usage with real world in mind. For example FAL, the real usage 
demonstration is the Media extension, if it were developed with FAL 
together I think many API issues (and bugs) had bean eliminated at the 
first time.
Use own APIs in core/"AC developed" extensions, for example in category API.

- Reduce forge open issues, bisect old feature requests.

We have more then 3500 open core issues (without subprojects). The 
oldest, sorted by last updated, one is 
https://forge.typo3.org/issues/14798 . I poke through all the old issues 
but I can't answer all. Maybe some requests already implemented, not 
needed any more or won't happen. BTW many of the old reports are from AC 
developers or assigned to them, please, go through your old issues you 
experienced this issue or worked on this.

Anyway, the global vision is "Inspire to share" but we may need a vision 
for the areas. The areas of interest (mobile, html5, usage, ...) and the 
areas of code (only one tree implementation, ExtJS/Prototype removement, 
code cleanup, ...). So, this things need a bit ordering and dependencies.

Alexander Opitz

PLUSPOL interactive GbR
Floßplatz 4
04107 Leipzig

Telefon:   (0341) 350 585 -19
Telefax:   (0341) 350 585 -40

E-Mail:    opitz at pluspol.info
Internet:  http://www.pluspol.info

Dipl. Medienwirt (FH) Jörg Brückner
Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Stefan Dittmar
Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Thomas Lange

USt-ID-Nr.: DE221591186

Sitz der Gesellschaft und Gerichtsstand ist Leipzig

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