[TYPO3-core] Election of the core team leader for TYPO3 CMS

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Wed Sep 25 11:28:48 CEST 2013

Hi Ben,

is there any conclusion from this? I might have missed possible 
announcements, as I'm not subscribed to all lists any more, but I would 
be interested in who was nominated and voted on.

Also, is this election now going to be each year, or was it a one-off thing?

Frankly, I have the feeling this election is handled rather sloppy, with 
few information (note: if things have been published meanwhile in 
channels I don't watch closely, ignore this), few time-wise advance 
notice, and no information on payment and possible working hours for the 
core team leader. I think for future nominations and elections, that 
should be clarified more clearly. Of course we don't want to attract 
people who only do it for the monetary reward, but it does possibly 
enable some candidates to apply who otherwise wouldn't think of it.

(I know that during my time in the core team leadership I could have 
influenced how things like these are handled as well, which I see as a 
shortcoming of mine as well, but seeing things from an outside 
perspective now, I would like to spell out those things anyway.)


Am 19.08.13 13:36, schrieb ben van 't ende:
> Hey Guys,
> I talked about it with a few guys from the core team and we concluded that
> extending the period until end of this month (August) will provide enough time
> for everyone to react.
> So everyone has until the end of this month to apply.
> Please let me know if there is anything else on your mind regarding this topic.
> gRTz ben
> On 19/08/13 10:42, ben van 't ende wrote:
>> Hey Jigal,
>> Good points. No problem to extend that period as it would also give some room
>> for some extra attention to the topic. Would end of September give enough room
>> for that?
>> Concerning your other questions, we will work that out if they occur. I do not
>> see a big problem there and is quite theoretical for now.
>> gRTz ben
>> On 17/08/13 19:25, Jigal van Hemert wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 14-8-2013 19:07, ben van 't ende wrote:
>>>> After 7 days a non-public email gets sent to each active contributor that he/she
>>>> has time to vote for a leader.
>>> Note that there are still school holidays in countries where most ACs come from:
>>> - Netherlands (parts) until September 1
>>> - Germany (parts) until September 11
>>> - Switzerland (parts) until September 1
>>> - ...
>>>> vote. The future leader needs to have at least the simple majority (50%) or, if
>>>> multiple people propose for the job, the one with the most votes.
>>> If there are is only one candidates does that person still need a percentage of
>>> the votes? Is there a minimum of voting persons required? What if two candidates
>>> (with the most votes) have exactly the same number of votes (there are not that
>>> many votes, so it could happen)?
>>> When is the time for all candidates to come forward with there plans and ideas?
>>> Or maybe answer some questions?

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