[TYPO3-core] Status of TYPO3 6.2 LTS

Michael Stucki michael.stucki at typo3.org
Wed Nov 20 23:41:15 CET 2013

Hi Stefan,

Am 20.11.2013 22:38, schrieb Stefan Neufeind:
> While I generally agree with you here and promise to not work on "the
> next big thing" tomorrow :-) I have the feeling that even around
> feature-freeze we had features that were "almost ready" and meanwhile
> are ready which I'd appreciate to be considered (taking into account the
> moved timeline) as to whether we'd still want to exclude them from LTS
> or if it might be good/better to have them part of the
> LTS-functionality. To put the image right: We're not just taking about
> shipping them with maybe 6.3 instead of 6.2 but we're actually talking
> about having things ready for users to use (in next LTS) or not having
> them for the next maybe 3 years or so (as many many people will still to
> LTS again imho).

I think we need to accept that there will always be nice features which
don't make it into the next LTS release.

Right now I consider 6.2 LTS as feature complete, and I don't think
there is any feature which is so strongly missing that we should break
the feature freeze again.

Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to see forces joined to fix known bugs in
the upcoming 6.2 release...

Greetings, Michael

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