[TYPO3-core] Status of TYPO3 6.2 LTS

Ernesto Baschny ernesto.baschny at typo3.org
Wed Nov 20 16:16:59 CET 2013

Adrian Zimmermann schrieb am 20.11.2013 14:01:

> i just read the threat and want to thank you for the open discussion. of
> course a decision like this gets us agencies a bit into trouble because
> our planning was all related to this LTS version and future projects
> were planned and communicated with clients with this 6.2 LTS. of course
> we have to start with those projects anyway and we'll have to decide
> weather it will be 4.5 or anything else... we'll have to figure out how
> to proceed, there's always a way... right?

Thanks for your sincere words. Of course this might disrupt some upgrade
plans, this is why we are talking about it. During our discussion, most
of us agreed that the most "critical" upgrades are planned starting
mid-2014 anyway, because they require more preparation and a "more
stable 6.2" anyway.

The extended 4.5 support (further 3 months) also gives some arguments to
be able to stay with 4.5 a bit longer.

Starting new projects now with 6.1 is probably the easiest way to deal
with the current situation, as the upgrade to 6.2 is then less painful
as it would have been from 4.5 to 6.2.

An alternative is really to start with 6.2 beta2 that will be out on
Thursday (or "current master") and then have very little work upon 6.2.0
release next year. The current state is already mature, but of course
you must be aware of the current work in progress areas (FAL,
Performance, Package Management).

> what i'm wondering about is a statement of the management (board/eab) of
> the T3A, i havent read anything from this side and i think we definately
> need communication from that side, the faster the better.
> please forgive me if i oversaw it.

The EAB was involved in that Michael Stucki was present when we
discussed it and he also talked to the EAB in it's meeting on the next
day. In general I heard that the reaction was quite positive and
appreciated as a good step, but I cannot speak for them, of course.


Ernesto Baschny
TYPO3 CMS Core Developer
Release Manager TYPO3 4.5 & 6.2 LTS

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