[TYPO3-core] Status of TYPO3 6.2 LTS

Christian Reiter cr at --nospam--cxd.de
Wed Nov 20 14:41:09 CET 2013

Hello everyone,

I want to add that I welcome this decision.

In my opinion it is preferrable that 6.2 should be solid, rather than soon.

The most vital point in my eyes being that FAL should be very solid, 
usable, have a stable data model that does not change quickly from 
version to version, and should handle common exceptions gracefully.

It will be much easier to keep clients with TYPO3 if we migrate to the 
new LTS later but we can offer a system that has good stability.

Even though I am currently working on some projects that were expected 
to go 6.2 this year.

Best regards,


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