[TYPO3-core] Target Versions in TYPO3 CMS Issue Tracker

Alexander Opitz opitz at pluspol.info
Tue May 21 15:30:52 CEST 2013

Hi Ernesto,

I'm against this plan and I like more the Neos style which Robert Lemke 
posted today to the Neos list.

I don't see the point where target "6.2 General" and "6.2 Logging", ... 
will help us. The main problem will resist, that we can't mark an issue 
fixed on different releases (6.2.0, 6.1.3, 6.0.7), which seems an issue 
with redmine.

As agency/integrator it is not nice to consult a issue tracker and a 
ChangeLog to find out if an issue is fixed in a version in one branch. 
So I would like to vote for a change in redmine to get a multiselect for 
the "Target Version". So also every RM can pick a fix for his own roadmap.

Just my 2ct
Greetings Alexander//

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