[TYPO3-core] Invitation Grid Elements 2.0 Code Sprint

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Thu Jan 3 11:12:09 CET 2013

>> So is there anyone having the "list module lead", the people in our
>> team, who will take care of the list module, can get in touch with?
> I won't have time to join the sprint in person in Clausthal, however you
> can get back to me if there are questions on how to do things in IRRE
> and also in combination with workspaces.

Cool - so maybe we can do something like a live ticker or use Skype or 
Twiitter or the like to keep you and other possible consultants 
informed. This way you could even prevent us from moving into the wrong 
direction too far - if this should be the case.

> e.g. for fetching a complete structure of IRRE elements the object
> "t3lib_utility_Dependency" might be helpful - just put in on 1:n child
> element and resolve all levels of parents and children - this needs a
> valid reference index of course.

Sounds like a plan, is this available for TYPO3 version < 6.x as well?

> Is there a list already of (smaller) tasks that shall be done during the
> code sprint?

The major tasks have been set by the sponsors already, who kind of voted 
with the rewards they chose.

Fluid friendly rendering (5)
GE + workspaces (3)
GE interface design (3)
GE + list module (3)
GE + languages (2)
Get a copy from another page (1)

Other features have been available but no one wanted to pay for them, so 
either the were useless for the people or just too expensive ;-)

The rest of the tasks will be collected from our issue tracker:
Many of these issues will be part of the major tasks though.

The plan is to publish a list of tasks at the warm up weekend and then 
finish most of them until Sunday 13th - the result will then be 
finalized until end of January.

I will keep you informed



Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
(If you have no clues: simply shut your gob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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