[TYPO3-core] Invitation Grid Elements 2.0 Code Sprint

Oliver Hader oliver.hader at typo3.org
Thu Jan 3 11:42:27 CET 2013

Hi Joey,

Am 03.01.13 11:12, schrieb JoH asenau:
>> e.g. for fetching a complete structure of IRRE elements the object
>> "t3lib_utility_Dependency" might be helpful - just put in on 1:n child
>> element and resolve all levels of parents and children - this needs a
>> valid reference index of course.
> Sounds like a plan, is this available for TYPO3 version < 6.x as well?

It has been introduced with TYPO3 4.5 for IRRE and Workspaces. I've a
custom extension for a customer that overrides several behaviour stuff
for that regard - once the customer is happy, it might be integrated
into the Core.


This shows how to use the dependency object, registers some callbacks to
check whether the records are IRRE records (by checking TCA of the
parent element) and finally gives the "outer-most-parent", that's the
"root-node" parent having all children.

This is used e.g. for publishing IRRE structures in Workspaces since
it's important to first publish parents and then children - otherwise
relations cannot be updated.

t3lib_utility_Dependency relies on a valid reference index, if hooks
manipulate reference pointers directly by plain SQL (not updating
sys_refindex or not using TCEmain), the structures might be broken or

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 CMS Core Team Leader

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