[TYPO3-core] TYPO3 CMS fork on github, project name "Catharsis"

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Sat Apr 13 17:38:49 CEST 2013


On 13-4-2013 15:32, Fedir RYKHTIK wrote:
> = Some thoughts =
> * Actual gerrit system has quite important latency

How do you mean that? Speed of the site itself or time it takes to review?

> * There are tickets on Forge with solutions, which exists since several
> years

Feel free to help! If there is a patch, push it to gerrit to make sure 
it gets reviewed. It's a community based OpenSource project so the 
labour needs to be done by the community.

> * TYPO3 Association has not enough Project Managers

Are there Project Managers at all?? Besides, the Association doesn't 
develop TYPO3. The community develops it, the Association only funds 
some development and other activities as it's decided by the Association 

> * There are lots of tickets in Forge, which should be commited long time
> ago

Correct. We do lack manpower, especially for core team reviews. We're 
all doing what we can in our spare time.

> * People have limited lifetime, they like to live now
> * There are lots of frameworks which are pretty cool
> * TYPO3 has great architectural concepts
> * Realisation of TYPO3 could be better
> * Big system good functioning needs goods organization

You've lost me here... What do you mean by these points?

> = Propositions to TYPO3 project managers =

There no project managers that I'm aware of...

> * Believe in community

We all do! That's why it's a community based project.

> * Use agile methodologies

Many code sprints use Kanban boards; the flow/neos team uses scrum...

> * Make TYPO3 Developer Days free as a beer

Who pays the bill here? If you think the Association should pay for it, 
make a proposal and get the members to vote for it. Or maybe you can pay it?

> * Answer to every Forge ticket in 24h

It's a community project with no full time paid developers. We all have 
a job, family life and need to sleep; then there is also time left for 
TYPO3 work. We've already made sure there is a "Friendly Ghost" for each 
week who tries to look at each new issue.
Again, feel free to help to look at new issues, test them and see if 
they are valid or not. That will make the life of the Friendly Ghost a 
lot easier!

> Personally, I had a lot of patches on TYPO3 Core, which are used on our
> sites,

If you make the effort to get these patches in the core you don't need 
to apply them to each update :-)

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Core Team member

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